Hello everybody today I am sharing a story which is send by one of my reader and a good friend who talk about her situation and really want to help others who are facing this and also spreading awareness about Bulimia.

People may say I’m lucky to have the life that I have, either because I was born in a democracy or because I’ve an exceptional family or because I’m not in need or for a lot of other reasons. It’s not wrong if we are fooled by appearances.

Most of people don’t recognize bulimia as a real disease. They think it’s the response of obsess to justify their overweight.

 I’ve always been above the average of weight curve since I’m 3 years. Children are wicked them and I suffered insults. This feeling of rejection and inferiority made me feel a malaise.

When I was coming home on an afternoon I rushed in the kitchen and I ate what I found. It was impossible to stop the crisis. In the moment I seemed to feel better but when it ended I felt terribly wrong. I gained weight because of bulimia and the fact of gaining weight has intensified my bulimia. It’s a vicious circle without end. In this situation we think we’ll never be released. Sometimes I self-mutilated arms and hands.


A day I decided to do something and to go see a psychologist. It helps me to talk to a specialist and crisis stopped.

I know that I’ll always be bulimic because it’s a mental illness. What I mean is that anything is possible and there’s no inevitability in this world.

This is a great lesson for everybody who really want to talk about things because it really helps. If you have any question about this feel free to ask in comment box she will respond. I also didn’t know about it but I read and now I can understand. People feel free to talk about anything you feel we are here to listen and learning thing.


Les gens peuvent dire que je suis chanceuse d’avoir la vie que j’ai parce que je suis née dans une démocratie, parce que mes parents m’ont désiré, parce que j’ai une famille exceptionnelle, parce que je ne suis pas dans le besoin, ainsi que pour un tas d’autres raisons. Ce n’est pas faux si on ne se fie qu’aux apparences.

La plupart des gens ne reconnaissent pas la boulimie comme étant une maladie. Ils pensent que c’est une excuse que certains gros donnent pour justifier leur surpoids.

Dans mon cas, j’ai toujours été au-dessus de la courbe moyenne de poids depuis que j’ai 3 ans et j’en ai beaucoup souffert. Les enfants sont impitoyables entre eux et j’ai, comme beaucoup de personnes dû subir les moqueries, insultes. Ce sentiment de rejet et d’anormalité par rapport aux autres m’a fait éprouver un réel mal-être. Lorsque je rentrais chez moi le midi et le soir, je me précipitais dans la cuisine et j’avalais tout ce que je trouvais. C’est comme si le cerveau se détachait du corps et qu’il était impossible d’arrêter la crise. Sur le moment j’avais l’impression de me sentir mieux, de combler un vide. Lorsque la crise était finie, je me sentais incroyablement mal. La boulimie m’a fait grossir, et le fait de grossir a intensifié la boulimie. C’est un cercle sans fin. On a l’impression que l’on ne s’en sortira jamais et parfois comme moi, on peut se faire encore plus de mal. En effet, plusieurs fois je me suis automutilée les bras et les mains.

Un jour, j’ai décidé de me prendre en main et d’aller voir une psychologue. Parler m’a fait beaucoup de bien et les crises se sont atténuées. Je sais que je serais toujours boulimique au fond de moi parce que c’est avant tout une maladie psychique.

Ce que je veux dire, c’est que rien n’est jamais acquis et que si on un déclic on peut évoluer. Il n’y a pas de fatalité dans ce monde, tout est possible, il faut le vouloir et s’en donner les moyens.


  1. The food is the symptom and the outer manifestation of the inner pain and turmoil.

    Healing from the abuses and the deceptions is harder and longer but it is do-able. There is no timetable for this. It takes the time it takes. It happens incrementally.

    We all have our inner fragilities, many of us have taken to abusing food in one form or another. I too went through this in my life. Depression is a connective aspect to the problem of a crushed spirit.

    The inner work is very difficult since the original damage was perpetrated by other people.

    We all need to remember we don’t need to accept other people’s opinions of us as the truth! Even though many people have jumped into the game of verbal abuse, it doesn’t make it more true!!

    Wishing you all the best as you walk your healing walk!


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  2. this is not the end I totally agree with you. A physical illness can be treated with medication, reeducation while a mental illness is more complicated. We need to work on this like months , years and sometimes for life.


  3. I suffered from the mental illness of Depression, had Counselling, and am OK now. So I know that mental illnesses are just different kinds of illnesses, nothing to be ashamed of or worried about.

    I think that parents, when they recognize the symptoms of over-eating on the part of their children, should keep food out of reach of the children. Many people lock the children up, but that cannot be a good thing.

    Spending time with the Children is very, very important in this. Lots of Love, Cuddling, etc, will be part of the healing process.

    Love and Regards.

    Liked by 3 people

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